Inspired by @Hannah Yurk’s insightful article on the courage to speak up in meetings despite making English mistakes, I couldn’t help but reflect on how this rings equally true for those of us navigating the adventure of living abroad. Just like in the boardroom, stepping into a new country amplifies the fear of linguistic imperfection.
Imagine you’re in a bustling market in New Zealand, surrounded by the chatter of locals. You want to buy some fruit but hesitate. The fear of saying something wrong, of not being understood, grips you. This is a familiar feeling for many learning English, not just in classrooms but when living or traveling abroad. But what if I told you that this discomfort, this fear of making mistakes, is actually your ally in becoming more confident in English?
In the world of language learning, especially when it involves speaking English in a non-native setting, the fear of making mistakes is a towering wall between many of us and our desire to connect, explore, and fully experience a foreign land. This blog post is for those who have felt the tremor of nerves at the thought of speaking English abroad, for those who’ve remained silent when their hearts yearned to speak. It’s a gentle reminder that the path to fluency and confidence is paved with the very mistakes we’re so afraid of making.
Reducing Language Anxiety Abroad
The study by Thompson and Lee shines a light on this very topic. They looked into how experiences abroad affect one’s anxiety in learning English. The findings are both surprising and encouraging: diving into situations where you must use English can significantly decrease your anxiety and boost your confidence.
Why does this happen? When you’re abroad, you’re forced to use English in real-life situations. It’s not just about grammar or vocabulary; it’s about communication. Need to ask for directions? Order food? You’re practicing English, often without even realizing it. Each interaction, each mistake, is a step toward fluency. You learn to navigate misunderstandings and to express yourself, however imperfectly, and in doing so, you learn that mistakes aren’t fatal—they’re essential to learning.
The level of anxiety depends on factors such as motivation, the beliefs of the learner, and their existing anxieties. What triggers this anxiety? Going abroad for a visit can significantly heighten anxiety, given that engaging in conversations with native speakers of the target language can be challenging, adapting to a new culture can be difficult, financial concerns may arise, and interacting with locals can be stressful. However, after returning from abroad, learners often experience a decrease in their language-related anxiety.
Interestingly, this study has shown that multilinguals display a greater tolerance for ambiguity compared to those who know fewer languages, even when language proficiency was taken into account. This tolerance is crucial because it’s not just about understanding words and sentences; it’s about making peace with not knowing everything and finding comfort in uncertainty. The key to this lies in our language aptitude, which comprises analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence. Of these, creative intelligence is our guide through the fog of ambiguity, helping us embrace the unknown and find joy in discovery.
Even though merely traveling abroad doesn’t ensure better skills in the target language, almost everyone who has an overseas experience finds it advantageous.

The Myth of Perfection
There’s a common misconception that to communicate effectively, one must speak perfectly. This myth is particularly pervasive among learners of English as a second language, where the pressure to conform to native-level fluency can dampen the spirit of even the most enthusiastic linguaphile. But here’s the truth—perfection in language learning is not only unattainable but also unnecessary.
Consider the travelers and expatriates who navigate daily life in foreign countries with a limited vocabulary and grammatical errors. They make plans, form friendships, and share laughter, all the while making mistakes. And yet, they communicate. They’re understood. They connect. Why? Because communication at its core is about connection, not perfection.
The Beauty of Mistakes
The turning point comes when you embrace the discomfort of making mistakes. You start with small steps, ordering food in English, asking for directions, and gradually, engaging in longer conversations. Each error you make becomes a lesson in disguise, a nudge towards improvement. The local café where you once feared to mispronounce your order turns into a place of daily practice and small victories.
You learn that the fear of making mistakes is far more limiting than the mistakes themselves. Mistakes are the breadcrumbs that guide you through the forest of language learning. They are indicators of your courage to step outside your comfort zones and the seeds from which your proficiency grows.
In embracing this journey, we find not only the freedom to express ourselves across different cultures and settings but also the opportunity to connect with others in more meaningful ways. So, let’s take inspiration and encouragement from knowing this, let’s to speak up, make mistakes, and grow. After all, the world becomes a bit smaller each time we dare to say something in a new language, imperfectly but with confidence.
Turning Challenges into Triumphs: Mastering English Confidence Abroad
For those contemplating a journey abroad, whether for study, work, or adventure, the message is clear: Embrace the opportunity to use English. Yes, you’ll face challenges. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. But each challenge overcome is a victory, each mistake a lesson learned.
This isn’t to say that overcoming language learning anxiety is easy. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone, being willing to make mistakes, and, most importantly, persevering. But the rewards—increased confidence, improved language skills, and the countless personal and professional benefits that come with them—are well worth the effort.
In conclusion, the key to unlocking your English speaking confidence abroad lies in embracing every opportunity to use the language, mistakes and all. So, the next time you find yourself hesitating to speak up, remember: each word you speak is a step toward becoming a more confident English speaker. Let your experiences abroad be the catalyst for your growth, and let every interaction, every mistake, be a building block in your journey toward fluency.
In embracing the imperfect journey of language learning, we unlock not just our ability to speak a new language, but also our capacity to connect with the world in ways we never imagined. Let’s not let the fear of imperfection hold us back any longer. After all, the only mistake we can truly make is choosing not to speak at all.